HDCM  एच.डीसेमी



The uncertain and ill defined business scenario of the present day world make a log of demand from the academia. To facilitate the decision making as well as planning in the practical business context, conceptual knowledge is becoming important. An admixture of the theoretical knowledge with practical solutions has become essential in a context in which the organizations confirm with the increasing challenges of competition, hike in expectation, quality standards etc. To be precise the need of the hour is to have a paradigm shift in the management style of Cooperatives to transform it as a member countries and member served organization. Keeping these in view, the National Council for Cooperative Training, New Delhi has recently redesigned the Higher Diploma in Cooperative Management (HDCM) Course with a view to sharpen the analytical and decision making competence of the Managers and potential Managers of the Cooperative Sector.


The programme enables the participants:
a)  To understand the conceptual and theoretical background and problem of Cooperative business management.

b)  To equip themselves by sharpening their managerial skills and

c)  To be proactive to find solutions for the varied business issues of cooperative organisations.


FIRST Semester

1.Environment for Cooperative in India
2.Cooperative Legislation
3. Cooperative Credit and Banking
4.Non Credit Cooperatives
5.Accounts and Audit
6. Information Technology for Management - I

SECOND Semester

7.Cost Accounting and Financial Management
8.Marketing Management
9.Allied Laws
10.Organizational Behaviour and Communication
11.Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations
12.Project Management
13.Information Technology for Management – II
14.Data collection and Project Report


Training Methodology

In order to develop the analytical power and decision making skills, the class room sessions will be managed by lecture methods, case analysis, role playing and individual and group exercise. In order to understand and solve the business complexities and problems individual and group assignment will also be given. With a view to instill the leadership and communication skills the participants will present seminar papers, participate in debates and group discussion on important topics.

Project Study/ Field Placement

In order to experience the ground realities at the field level, the participants will be placed for a four weeks training in one of the Cooperative Institutions. The participants are expected to prepare a detailed project study of the institution and present the same for viva

Computer Training

The computer practical training will be imparted to the participants through out the first and second semester.


External examination will be conducted at the end of each semester for 80 marks and the remaining 20 marks for class test and project/ assignment.